Rayzor's Edge polyethylene Fusion & Safety
Rayzor's Edge Polyethylene Fusion is proudly owned and coorinated by "Rayzor" Raymond Lockyer with over a decade of experience as a polyethylene fusion technican (A.K.A. Gas fuser). Over Two Decades of Feild Work Experience to Back Our Safety Templates and A,A,&A services. REPF was established in 2023 in response to the housing crisis in an attempt to help bolster the number of Polyethylene Fusion Technicians needed for future development of Manitoba. Polyethylene is used to safely pipe many forms of products such as water, and natural gas to almost every Manitobian today. It was during these exciting times that we relaized there isn't much support for young enturpenures so we felt it right to help those like myself who want to create a better future for themselves and their comunities.